ElbowFlexion Monkey Forest Forest


Research at the Interface of Animation, Neuroscience and AI

Without being conscious of it, our motor system is constantly solving computationally challenging problems in ways that astonish both roboticists and neuroscientists. We develop computational models of animal movement to understand how the brain generates movement and design novel rehabilitation therapies and assistive devices for patients with movement disorders. We collaborate closely with neuroscientists, clinicians and roboticists to study the brain and help patients achieve a better quality of life.

Our laboratory is located at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Bioscience 3.


Gilmer J, Coltman, S. K., Cuenu, G., Hutchinson, J. R., Huber, D., Person, A. L., Al Borno, M. A novel biomechanical model of the proximal mouse forelimb predicts muscle activity in optimal control simulations of reaching movements, Journal of Neurophysiology, In Press. pdf

Coscia M., Al Borno, M., Vibrotactile versus Visual Stimulation in Learning the Piano, Interacting with Computers, In Press. pdf

Radcliffe EM, Baumgartner AJ, Kern DS, Al Borno, M., Ojemann S., Kramer D., Thompson J., Oscillatory beta dynamics inform biomarker-driven treatment optimization for Parkinson's disease, Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 129, no. 6, 2023. url pdf

Al Borno M., O'Day J., Ibarra V., Dunne J., Seth A., Habib A., Ong C., Uhlrich S., Hick J.L., and Delp S.L., OpenSense: An open-source toolbox for Inertial-Measurement-Unit-based measurement of lower extremity kinematics over long durations, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 19, no. 22, 2022. url pdf

Al Borno M., Vyas S., Shenoy K.V., and Delp S.L., High-fidelity Musculoskeletal Modeling Reveals a Motor Planning Contribution to the Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff, eLife 9:e57021, 2020. url pdf

Al Borno M., Hicks J.L., and Delp S.L., The Effects of Motor Modularity on Performance, Learning and Generalizability in Upper-Extremity Reaching: A Computational Analysis, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, vol. 17, no. 167, 2020. url pdf

Al Borno M., Righetti L., Black M.J., Delp S.L., Fiume E., and Romero J., Robust Physics-based Motion Retargeting with Realistic Body Shapes, Computer Graphics Forum (Presented at ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation) , vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 91-92, 2018. url pdf video

Al Borno M., van de Panne M., and Fiume E., Domain of Attraction Expansion for Physics-based Character Control, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Presented at SIGGRAPH), vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 1-11, 2017. url pdf video

Al Borno M., Fiume E., Hertzmann A. and de Lasa M., Feedback Control for Rotational Movements in Feauture Space, Computer Graphics Forum (Presented at Eurographics) , vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 225-233, 2014. url pdf video

Al Borno M., de Lasa M., and Hertzmann A., Trajectory Optimization for Full-Body Movements with Complex Contacts, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 1405-1414, 2013. url pdf video

Al Borno M., Chang X.-W., and Xie X., On "Decorrelation" in Solving Integer Least-Squares Problems for Ambiguity Determination, Survey Review, vol. 46, no. 334, pp. 1405-1414, 2014. url pdf

Xie X., Chang X.-W., and Al Borno M., Parial LLL Reduction, Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM 2011. url



I'm an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Univeristy of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus, and faculty in the Computational Bioscience and Neuroscience programs. I did my PhD in Computer Science at the Univeristy of Toronto with Eugene Fiume (computer graphics) and my postdoc at Stanford University. I completed my undergraduate degree and Master's degree at McGill Univeristy. During my studies, I interned at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligient Systems and at Weta Digital, where I worked on The Hobbit: the Battle of the Five Armies.

Abeer Khaleq
Jesse Gilmer

PhD students:
Austin Long

Master students:
Kyle Rosen
Anthony Lee
Sama Kasmani

Gunnar Enserro
Ryan Priddy

High School:
Matteo Coscia

Swayanshu Pragna (MS thesis, 2021)
Yash More (MS thesis, 2022)
Brandon O'Hearn (visiting student)
Kyu Ro (MS)

Lab Pictures


Celebration of Yash More's Master's thesis defense, December 2022.

We have openings for Postdocs and PhD students in the lab. Master's and undegraduate students are also welcome to apply. Please accept my apology if I don't respond to your email in a timely manner.


I teach Algorithms (CSCI 3412), Computational Motor Control (CSCI 5800) and Computer Vision (CSCI 5800).


