CSCI 5559 - Database Systems



Student Code of Conduct:


Students are expected to know, understand, and complywith the ethical standards of the university, including rules against plagiarism, cheating, fabrication and falsification, multiple submissions, misuse of academic materials, and complicity in academic dishonesty. In particular, the Honor Code outlined below is the College of Engineering and Applied Science statement on academic integrity. The Code articulates the College’s expectations of its students and faculty in establishing and maintaining the highest standards in academic work.

Honor Code Text

The Honor Code of the College of Engineering and Applied Science is a statement of its students, individually and collectively:

    • Students will not give or receive aid during examinations.
    • Students will not use any prohibited electronic devices during examinations.
    • Students will not give or receive unpermitted aid in class work, in the preparation of reports, or in any other work that is to be used by the instructor as the basis of grading.
    • Students will uphold the spirit and letter of the Honor Code and they will take an active role to ensure that others uphold the Honor Code and if they observe violations of the Honor Code they must report violations to their Department Chair.
    • The Faculty of the College will do its part to ensure its confidence in the honor of its students. Faculty must ensure that precautions are in place to prevent the forms of dishonesty mentioned above. Faculty will also avoid, as far as practical, academic procedures that create temptations to violate the Honor Code. Faculty alone has the right and obligation to set academic requirements. However, the students and faculty will work together to establish optimal conditions for honorable academic work.

Violations of the Honor Code

Examples of conduct that will be regarded as being in violation of the Honor Code include:

    • Copying from another’s examination paper or allowing another to copy from one’s own paper.
    • Plagiarism in any shape or form. Plagiarism is defined as the use, without giving reasonable and appropriate credit to or acknowledging the author or source, of another person's original work, whether such work is made up of code, formulas, ideas, language, research, strategies, writing or other form(s).
    • Giving or receiving unpermitted aid either in person or via electronic devices.
    • Engaging in unauthorized collaboration on academic assignments or examinations.
    • Representing as one’s own work the work of another.


Penalties for Violating the Honor Code

Most student disciplinary cases have involved Honor Code violations. Of these, most cases arise when a student submits another’s work as his or her own, gives or receives unpermitted aid, or engages in unauthorized collaboration.  If a violation occurs during a quiz or on a homework assignment, the student will receive a zero for that quiz or assignment.  If a violation occurs on an examination, the student will receive a failing grade for the course.  The standard penalty for a first offense may include suspension from the College of Engineering and Applied Science for a severe infraction of the Honor Code. The penalty for a second violation will be expulsion from the College of Engineering and Applied Science.

It is the responsibility of the student to seek clarification from the instructor when in doubt about these guidelines.


Finally, below please find more detailed definitions of conducts that infringe the Student Honor Code:

Plagiarism is the use of another person’s ideas or words without acknowledgement. The incorporation of another person’s work into yours requires appropriate identification and acknowledgement. Examples of plagiarism when the source is not noted include: word-for-word copying of another person’s ideas or words; the “mosaic” (interspersing your own words here and there while, in essence, copying another’s work); the paraphrase (the rewriting of another’s work, while still using their basic ideas or theories); fabrication (inventing or counterfeiting sources); submission of another’s work as your own; and neglecting quotation marks when including direct quotes, even on material that is otherwise acknowledge.

Cheating involves the possession, communication, or use of information, materials, notes, study aids, or other devices and rubrics not specifically authorized by the course instructor in any academic exercise, or unauthorized communication with any other person during an academic exercise. Examples of cheating include: copying from another’s work or receiving unauthorized assistance from another; using a calculator, computer, or the internet when its use has been precluded; collaborating with another or others without the consent of the instructor; submitting another’s work as one’s own.

Fabrication involves inventing or counterfeiting information—creating results not properly obtained through study or laboratory experiment. Falsification involves deliberate alteration or changing of results to suit one’s needs in an experiment or academic exercise.

Multiple submissions involves submitting academic work in a current course when academic credit for the work was previously earned in another course, when such submission is made without the current course instructor’s authorization.

Misuse of academic materials includes: theft/destruction of library or reference materials or computer programs; theft/destruction of another student’s notes or materials; unauthorized possession of another student’s notes or materials; theft/destruction of examinations, papers, or assignments; unauthorized assistance in locating/using sources of information when forbidden or not authorized by the instructor; unauthorized possession, disposition, or use of examinations or answer keys; unauthorized alteration, forgery, fabrication, or falsification of academic records; unauthorized sale or purchase of examinations, papers, or assignments.

Complicity in academic dishonesty involves knowingly contributing to or cooperating with another’s act(s) of academic dishonesty.


Last updated: 01/15/15