Dr. Ellen Gethner

CSC 2511, Discrete Structures: Hybrid Course (Fall 2024). All Material is on Canvas.


automatically updated on 25 July 2024

[ Instructor, TA and our Office Hours | Class Time and Room | Textbook | Prerequisites | Objectives | Grades | Schedule | Academic Deadlines ]


Dr. Ellen Gethner

Email: ellen dot gethner at ucdenver dot edu

Office: LW 907
Office hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 12:30-3pm: make an appointment by calling the CS office at 303-315-1408 and you will be given a time and zoom link.

Teaching Assistant

To be posted on canvas when available

Class Time and Room: Room TBD, Wednesday September 25 and Wednesday October 30 at 12:30-1:45 (first two midterm exams only-- the rest of this class is online). See the Schedule for the dates, times, and locations of the in person exams.

This is an online/hybrid and self-paced course. There will be two in person meetings for midterm examinations one and two. See the Schedule for all due dates. All videotaped lectures and material are on canvas

Textbook (required)

Goodaire and Parmenter, Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory, 3rd edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006 (available in the campus bookstore and many other places...)


Math 1401 (first semester calculus) Note: Each student must sign and the
Prerequisites Agreement Form to receive any credit for any assignment or exam. If this form is not signed, the student will be administratively dropped from the course.

Catalog Data

This course covers the fundamentals of discrete mathematics, including: logic, sets, functions, asymptotics, mathematical reasoning, induction, combinatorics, tools needed for discrete probability, relations and graphs. Emphasis on how discrete mathematics applies to computer science in general and algorithm analysis in particular.

Expected Knowledge at the Start of the Course

Basic mathematical maturity at the level of a first sememster calculus course.

Expected Knowledge Gained at the end of the Course

A substantive knowledge of mathematical proof/reasoning and how that is applied to discrete problems. For example, the modeling of problems with discrete tools including but not limited to algorithm design and analyis.

ABET Assessment Criteria


Course Objectives

To gain proficiency in each of the three areas below.


Suggested Self-Paced Schedule

This is an online course and self-paced: all videotaped lectures, lecture notes, homework assignments, quizzes, the final, study guides for exams, and handouts for the entire semester are now available on canvas.

In addition to the material above, there are weekly online ungraded quizzes to do on your own time on canvas to help you better understand the lecture and textbook reading material.

Lecture Date Topic Reading/Comments Assignments/ABET Criteria
Week 1 Aug. 19 Introduction, Logic Chapter 0.1 0.2, 1.1,1.2,1.3 Homework 0 on Canvas
Aug. 21 Calculus I Assessment Quiz due today no later at 12:30pm. The quiz is online on Canvas and is required. Do this one on your own (without your team). The results are not counted toward your grade-- they are for administrative purposes only. Do not wait until the last minute to do this quiz; it disappears promptly at 12:30pm.
Week 2 Aug 26 Sets and Relations, Functions 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4, 3.1,3.2
Aug 28 Sets and relations, continued.
Week 3 Sep. 2 Functions, continued. Begin Integers; Quiz 0 (with your team) is due today. Open book, open notes, open internet, open friends. Upload one copy of the quiz with all of your names to canvas no later than 12:30pm. Do not wait until the last minute to upload your quiz. Late quizzes receive a 0. 3.3, 4.1, 4.2 Homework 1 on canvas;
Sep. 4 Integers, continued.
Week 4 Sep. 9 Integers, Congruences, Fermat's Little Theorem 4.3, 4.4
Sep. 11 Integers, Congruences, Fermat's Little Theorem, continued
Week 5 Sep. 16 Induction and Recursion; Quiz 1 (with your team) is due today. Upload a copy of the quiz with all of your names on canvas no later than 12:30pm. Do not wait until the last minute to upload your quiz. Late quizzes receive a 0. Open book, open notes, open friends, open internet. 5.1 ABET 1
Sep. 18 Review with your team for the exam. Chapters 0-4.2; see lecture notes, lecture, textbook reading, homework assignments, quizzes 0 and 1, study guide, ungraded T/F quizzes on canvas
Week 6 Sep. 23 Review with your team for the exam. Chapters 0-4.2; see lecture notes, lecture, textbook reading, homework assignments, quizzes 0 and 1, study guide, ungraded T/F quizzes on canvas Homework 2 on Canvas/ ABET criteria 1 on problem #9
Sep. 25 Midterm Exam One is in person, on your own (without your team) is today from 12:30-1:45pm in Room TBD. Closed book, closed notes, closed internet, closed friends. This is the only day and time that the exam will be given. PLAN ACCORDINGLY.
Week 7 Sep 30 Sequences; Solving Recurrence Relations 5.2, 5.3
Oct. 2 Sequences, recurrence relations, continued
Week 8 Oct. 7 Principle of Inclusion/Exclusion, Counting; Addition and Multiplication Rules; Pigeonhole Principle; Upload one copy of Quiz 2 on canvas with your team due today no later than 12:30pm. Do not wait until the last minute to upload your quiz. Late quizzes receive a 0. Open book, open notes, open friends, open internet. 6.1, 6.2,6.3 Homework 3 on canvas
Oct. 9 Inlcusion/Exclusion, etc, continued
Week 9 Oct. 14 Permutations and Combinations, Repetitions, Derangements 7.1, 7.2, 7.5,7.6
Oct. 16 Work on the ABRACADABRA and other puzzle problems. You can find the pdf of the puzzle problems in the modules on canvas.
Week 10 Oct. 21 Binomial Theorem; Complexity; Upload one copy of Quiz 3 (with your team) to canvas no later than 12:30pm today. Do not wait until the last minute to upload your quiz. Late quizzes receive a 0. Open book, open notes, open friends, and open internet. 7.7,8.2 Homework 4 on canvas.
Oct. 23 Review for the exam with your team. Study through 4.2-7.2 (Class Notes, Textbook Chapters, Homework Assignments, all quizzes both graded and ungraded, and Study Guide) .
Week 11 Oct 28 Continue reviewing for the exam with your team. Study through 4.2-7.2 (Class Notes, Textbook Chapters, Homework Assignments, all quizzes both graded and ungraded, and Study Guide) ABET 1, problem 2a
Oct 30 Midterm Examination Two is in person on your own (without your team) from 12:30-1:45pm in Room TBD. Closed book, closed notes, closed internet, closed friends. This is the only day and time that the exam will be given. PLAN ACCORDINGLY.
Week 12 Nov. 4 Introduction to Graph Theory, Paths and Cycles 9.1, 10.1, 10.2
Nov. 6 Intro to Graph Theory, continued
Week 13 Nov. 11 Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List, Trees; Upload one copy of Quiz 4 (with your team) today no later than 12:30pm.Do not wait until the last minute to upload your quiz. Late quizzes receive a 0. Open book, open notes, open friends, open internet. 10.3, 12.1 Homework 5 on canvas
Nov. 13 Adjacencly matrix, etc, continued
Week 14 Nov. 18 Planar Graphs and Graph Coloring; Upload one copy of Quiz 5 (with your team) today on canvas no later than 12:30pm: open book, open notes, open friends, open internet. Do not wait until the last minute to upload your quiz. Late quizzes receive a 0. 13.1, 13.2
Nov 20 Begin reviewing for exam three with your team. Study 7.1-13.2 (Class Notes, Textbook Chapters, Homework Assignments, Study Guide, Quizzes)
null Nov. 25-Dec. 1 Fall Break Happy Thanksgiving!
Week 15 Dec. 2 Continue reviewing for exam 3 with your team. Study 7.1-13.2 (Class Notes, Textbook Chapters, Homework Assignments, Study Guide, Quizzes) Study guide, textbook reading, lecture notes, quizzes, homework, etc
Dec. 4 Midterm Three is due today-- upload one copy of the exam WITH YOUR TEAM!!!! by 12:30pm to canvas. Do not wait until the last minute to upload your exam. Late exams receive a 0. The exam is open book, open notes, open friends, and open internet. 7.1-13.2 (Class Notes, Textbook Chapters, Homework Assignments, Study Guide, Graded Quizzes, Undgraded T/F quizzes)
Week 16 Dec. 9 (Monday) Office Hours: To be announced