BreathingCamera : Real-time Tidal Volume Estimation using Iso-surface Reconstruction

Project Description

Breathing volume measurement has long been an important physiological indication widely used for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary diseases. However, most of existing breathing volume monitoring techniques require either physical contact with the patient or are prohibitively expensive. In this paper we present an automated and inexpensive non-contact, vision-based method for monitoring an individual’s tidal volume, which is extracted from a three-dimensional (3D) chest surface reconstruction from a single depth camera. In particular, formulating the respiration monitoring process as a 3D spacetime volumetric representation, we introduce a real-time surface reconstruction algorithm to generate omni-direction deformation states of a patient’s chest while breathing, which reflects the change in tidal volume over time. These deformation states are then used to estimate breathing volume through a per-patient correlation metric acquired through a Bayesian-network learning process. Through prototyping and implementation, our results indicate that we have achieved 92.2% to 94.19% accuracy in the tidal volume estimations through the experimentation based on the proposed vision-based method


  • Shane Transue
  • Phuc Nguyen
  • Tam Vu
  • Min-Hyung Choi


  • Thermal-Depth Fusion for Occluded Body Skeletal Posture Estimation
    IEEE/ACM CHASE 2017 - The IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies, Philadelphia, June 2017.
    Shane Transue, Phuc Nguyen, Tam Vu and Min-Hyung Choi

  • Real-time Tidal Volume Estimation using Iso-surface Reconstruction, [PDF], [Video demo]
    IEEE/ACM CHASE 2016 - The IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies, June 2016.
    Shane Transue, Phuc Nguyen, Tam Vu and Min-Hyung Choi

Copyright © VP Nguyen 2016